Flamingo Farm Series: Harry's Berries

August 3, 2022
Flamingo Farm Series: Harry's Berries

The strawberries that changed the world.

Harry’s Berries is a certified organic family farm in Oxnard, California, founded by Harry Iwamoto in 1966. The small family farm is now run by Harry’s daughter Molly Gean, along with her husband Rick and their son Kris. In 1986, they started selling at their local farmer’s market and immediately saw the benefits. They currently participate in 19 weekly farmer’s markets in Southern California during their season.

Flamingo Farm Series: Harry's Berries Flamingo Farm Series: Harry's Berries

Harry’s Berries breaks all the rules. They only grow delicate varieties, don’t produce the volume that conventional farms do, and their berries don’t last long after picking. But the reason for their cult following is clear. They sell out every year, yet they don't want to expand to a point where they might not be able to retain their golden quality. After all, quality is the real fruit of Harry’s Berries labor.

Molly, a fourth-generation farmer, has seen the deep values that family brings to the inner workings of a farm. And now, all of her adult children and some of her grandchildren work in the business. Continuing the legacy of Harry himself, Molly and her family are spreading conscious tradition – one lush, sweet strawberry at a time.

“Yes, we sell out often and are asked why we don’t grow more. But we never want to expand to the point where we can no longer maintain our quality standards."


They only grow deep red, low acidity berries with no white shoulders. They’re far sweeter and juicier than any other strawberry, harvested at the perfect degree of ripeness. Chefs create specialty dishes with them, farmer’s market goers line up religiously every season, and their loyal fanbase has grown nationwide. We’ve been lucky to get our hands on these rubies and make our favorite fruit snack out of them – Harry’s Berries Spicy Strawberries.

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