A man in a straw hat examines a large jar of marigold flowers. A man wearing a straw hat examines a large jar of preserved vegetables.

The Flower
Infusion Project

The Flower
Infusion Project

The text "THE POST OAK HOTEL" is centered in a sleek, modern font.

For us, to make a product that regenerates the skin, also requires working with ingredients that regenerate the soil. It’s why when formulating our new Manuka Rich Cream, we turned to our friend and long-term collaborator Stephen Smith. A Regenerative agriculture expert turned skin wizard, who has just launched Nuturn: a booster oil brimming with the active ingredients of certified Biodynamic whole plant botanicals, now blended in our Rich Cream. A careful process of planting, harvesting, and infusing that honors the skin, the land, the farmers, and the rhythms of Mother Nature. 

A person in a gray shirt and hat is picking marigold flowers in a garden. A person in a gray shirt and hat is picking marigold flowers in a garden.

"We are here to embrace the potency and complexity of Nature, without being so arrogant to think we should extract it or isolate its gifts. To me, the future of wellness honors the highest level of farming and a process that stewards the full potential of Nature."

– Stephen Smith, rancher and founder of Nuturn

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We spoke to Stephen Smith, rancher and founder of Nuturn, about the impact of these ingredients. Here is our conversation.

A simple black arrow pointing downward, set against a plain white background.

You’ve just launched Nuturn, which is a Regenerative skincare ingredient blended in our new Rich Cream. Can you tell us about it?

The focus of Nuturn has always been to harness the benefits of nature through Regenerative, raw compounds. The nutrient-rich flower oil is handpicked and processed through a gentle, raw apothecary method without the use of chemicals or solvents. The raw Calendula flowers come from a farm across the valley I live in here in Oregon that I often get to handpick, and the Hemp flowers come from a Regenerative, Biodynamic farm in Western Oregon. There’s minimal processing. We don’t use any extract or heat.

Why choose an infusion method? What is the benefit of this process on the skin?

The whole point of this slow, cool process is to retain the essence of the ingredient. Most skincare brands are made in factories, which most often lean into extraction processes. They focus on a specific isolate of the plant, with no regard for the rest of it. Most people choose this process because it’s cheaper, more efficient, faster, and more consistent. This requires chemicals and heat, which changes the properties of the compounds as well as limiting the potential for efficacy.

In contrast, our approach embraces the whole array of nutrients by being slow, gentle, and cool. It's a proprietary infusion process that is raw, doesn’t use solvents, and slowly bonds the nutrients of these botanicals. It’s a slower, more gentle way of retaining the naturally occurring richness of our plants.

It’s kind of the same approach as natural wine-making, my former profession. There’s something about the spirit of place and the spirit of the plant that isn’t being disrupted. We’ve seen that we can have efficacy and medicinal benefits by harnessing the 10,000 year relationship we have with these plants, and making sure we are gathering all the nutrients and benefits that are often lost in modern distillation and processing.

What ecological needs are these botanicals fulfilling? What farming standards do you abide by?

The plants we work with grow in symbiotic relationship to other plants in their respective ecosystems. Some sequester carbon, some help with natural pest control, and some are just beautiful to be around. We only partner with Biodynamic, Regenerative, and organic farms and gardens. We have intimate relationships with these land stewards. Nothing about our supply chain is commodity or industrial. Think of Nuturn as an estate grown super ingredient for the skin. Additionally, we have started feeding our steers some of the “byproducts” of our botanical process that still have some healthy fats and antioxidants and anti inflammatory compounds remaining, which makes it a dream Regenerative upcycling process!

Can you walk me through the planting, harvesting, and infusing process?

The botanicals we work with are grown under the sun on small farms and gardens here in rural Oregon. I often assist with the harvest, and once the botanicals are cured, we can start the slow, maceration process — which is a fancy word for soaking plants in oil. We soak these botanicals in Organic oil to enhance their potency before creating our final compound, Nuturn.

What is the social impact of these ingredients?

I live in a town of 1,000 people, and I’ve seen how there’s a massive disconnect between rural and urban America. Nuturn is a bridge between these two worlds, cultures, and economies. We are able to support Regenerative and Biodynamic farming by paying farmers what they ask us to pay them, establishing contracts ahead of time, etc. It’s not just about using flowers that are sequestering carbon or supporting crops that are good for the land, but also about growing a business that is benefiting everyone involved. In my 14 years of Regenerative agriculture, working on farms and ranches, I’ve seen how the farmers often get the short end of the stick. By now being on the business and brand side of things, I want to build a bond that helps everyone involved. Having an urban consumer allows us to diversify the revenue distribution and support the rural economy. We need each other.

How has your background as a farmer informed your new skincare venture?

I wanted to move cattle and work in ranches to learn what it takes to bring a beautiful product to a consumer. But I was also an art major. I was a photographer. I've found that some of the most nutrient-dense, high quality products have really crappy packaging because the farmers were so busy farming. So the product never really quite made it to its full potential. And then I saw brands that have really beautiful packaging and storytelling, but are sourcing mediocre commodity and conventional (non Organic) materials. This made me really frustrated. So my job has been trying to understand how we can be in that middle ground and help elevate really high quality, Organic, Regenerative, Biodynamic products. This way, we can let the farmers farm, let the ranchers ranch, and I can use my skill in art and sales to bridge that gap. And none of this would be possible without our small but mighty team of dynamic individuals.

It’s kind of the perfect balance.

Yes. My experience in the soil taught me about what it takes to create the best of the best, my experience in art and sales taught me how to see through all the BS. Because it can’t only be a good story. It also has to help people and perform. This product is a booster active that really works. And it works because our community believes that Nature knows. We are here to embrace the potency and complexity of Nature, without being so arrogant to think we should extract it or isolate its gifts. To me, the future of wellness honors the highest level of farming and a process that stewards the full potential of Nature.

What does regeneration mean to you?

Regenerative agriculture aims to restore and revitalize ecosystems further building resilience and life through responsible management of livestock, plants, and natural resources, working with the natural rhythms of Nature. It is a broad consideration of diversity and resilience. We consider Regeneration holistically. It goes beyond Regenerative agriculture. We aim to support Regeneration of the skin, communities, business models, and relationships. Just like Biodiversified farms our relationship with Regeneration is intertwined to all parts of our being. There is no destination, just a commitment to this journey.